
David Yen is a California CPA who operates U.S. Abroad Tax, a Shanghai-based boutique consulting firm specializing in tax advisory and tax compliance services for American expats and green card holders. He has extensive experience in resolving complex tax issues for individuals and small businesses in a well-informed and holistic approach.

Please, feel free to browse our website to see the services we offer as well as the many helpful resources we provide. When you are ready to learn more about what we can do for you, we encourage you to contact us.

美国复杂的税法对很多新移民来说,是个最头痛的问题!拥有专业美国税法资询和财务申报策划资历的U.S.ABROAD TAX 杰禹(上海)商务咨询有限公司,是为中国移民提供美国税务申报,税务策划,税务咨询等服务专业商务税务咨询公司。如果您在移民前,没有请教专业的精通中美 两国税法的专业人士做指导,可能造成您大笔资产被征税的严重后果!

U.S.ABROAD TAX 杰禹(上海)商务资讯有限公司拥有专业的美国注册会计师,精通美国税法,可以用流利的中英文进行交流。帮你合法避税,在保障阁下私人隐私的前提下,让您和家人的美国移民之旅一路顺畅!

IRS Power To Revoke Passports Signed Into Law – Forbes
Getting a Handle on Expat Taxes – Insight

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